Our offer

INTERPUMP HyTruck - rubber hose
Hydraulic hose dedicated to tipper applications.
  • Exceed the norm EN857 1SC/2SC
  • Max. working pressure( ISOBAR) 200-350bar
  • Operating temperature: from -40°C to +100°C (intermittent 125°), from -40°C to +70°C for water based fluids,
  • Internal hose: Synthetic rubber, extruded whole without joints, of uniform thickness
  • Reinforcement: 1-2 high tensile steel wire braids
  • Covering: Synthetic rubber resistant to oils, fuels and atmospheric conditions
Ask about product
For more information see technical data below.
  • Technical data: HyTruck 200 bar
  • Technical data: HyTruck 250 bar
  • Technical data: HyTruck 350 bar
HYDRO ZNPHS Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strażacka 60
43-382 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
VAT no.: PL 547-01-70-044
REGON: 008093410
Phone:    +48 33 829 56 87
e-mail: [email protected]