Our offer

One-piece fittings
One-piece fittings have pre-crimped ferrule. This easy to put system is one of the most popular in the American and Asian market.
It is used in popular braided hoses - "G" series, and spiral hoses - "X" series
  • series "G" 1SC, 2SC, 1SN, 2SN
  • series "X"  4SP, 4SH, R13, R15 
Ask about product
For more information - see the catalogue below.
  • Technical data: One-piece braided
  • Technical data: One-piece spiral
HYDRO ZNPHS Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strażacka 60
43-382 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
VAT no.: PL 547-01-70-044
REGON: 008093410
Phone:    +48 33 829 56 87
e-mail: [email protected]