Our offer

GER - piston seal
Double acting piston sealing composed of a PTFE + Bronze ring and the O-ring (NBR) - pressure element. The GER profile provides very good sealing, high durability and high resistance to abrasion. It is available in standard version (GER), light version (GER/L) and heavy version (GER/P).
  • Material: [PTFE + 40% Bronze Filled] + NBR
    alternative version: [PTFE + 40% Bronze Filled] + FKM
  • Temperature: -30°C +100°C / -10°C +200°C FKM version
  • Pressure: 600 bar
  • Speed: 15 m/s
  • Resistance to: hydraulic oils, water, emulsions
Ask about product
For more information see technical data below.
  • Technical data: Piston seal GER
  • Catalogue: Seals for hydraulic
HYDRO ZNPHS Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strażacka 60
43-382 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
VAT no.: PL 547-01-70-044
REGON: 008093410
Phone:    +48 33 829 56 87
e-mail: [email protected]