
Get 5% code!
We have a DISCOUNT for you!
For all newly registered customers of our B2B platform, we have prepared a 5% discount code that can be used for any purchases in our online store!

See also
  • Happy Easter
    Happy Easter
    Happy Easter
    May your Easter be filled with happiness, peace and family time!
  • Order online!
    Order online!
    Order online!
    Get a discount of up to 5% on B2B purchases!
  • A new state-of-the-art  CNC cutting machine
    A new state-of-the-art  CNC cutting machine
    A new state-of-the-art CNC cutting machine
    Precise cutting of steel, faster execution of orders for pipes and rods!
HYDRO ZNPHS Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strażacka 60
43-382 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
VAT no.: PL 547-01-70-044
REGON: 008093410
Phone:    +48 33 829 56 87
e-mail: [email protected]